Hygienic and Effective No-Touch Cleaning Systems in Calgary
Protect the health of your employees and improve your cleaning capabilities with Apple Cleaning Supplies. We are proud to feature the innovative, multipurpose machines from the industry leaders at KaiVac Cleaning Systems™. Designed to effectively clean dirty restrooms in a safe and hygienic manner, the KaiVac No-Touch Cleaning® System is versatile enough to tackle various cleaning jobs from floors to kitchens. Click on the link below to view a video and learn more.

With these products, your employees can avoid touching contaminated surfaces while providing your clients a superior clean. To learn more information about the products we carry, click the links below.
Kaivac® omniflex™ systems
Watch this brief video on the capabilities of the Omniflex® Cleaning Systems.
Place your order today or let us know if you need more information. You will enjoy the personalized service from the friendly staff at Apple Cleaning Supplies.